Stroud Vintage: Summer Soldiers On...
Can summer really be on the wane? We're recieving request for furs and autumn weight suits and the tweeds are moving again. We will hold on to some of the gorgeous florals and summer weights we have for those last few festivals that drift on into the early days of September.
And don't forget - if you don't see something in store, we have an extensive warehouse full of off-season pieces, treasures waiting in the wings and those items that have yet to make their come-back.
New in store are some really exciting new things, including a stage jacket from 1964 (made by Jackson the Tailor who suited The Beatles) possibly worn by Graham Nash in his Hollies days. Look out for the Assuit Egyptian Wedding Shawl in immaculate museum condition and woven with pure silver, and some delightful 20s, 30s and 40s gowns.
Plus, we have just acquired a small but exquisite collection of vintage cashmere sweaters. Most origintate from a wonderful store in Burlington Arcade, are in immaculate condition and will be in store from tomorrow...
And for the rest, well I snapped furiously before leaving for home tonight and what you see is a flavour of the pieces that took my fancy while locking up the store.
We are introducing new pieces every day and also coming this weekend are the first of the fabulous sixties collection of evening wear and lingerie. Look out for the blue crystal wiggle and the grey chiffon bias there is a fabulous deep green 1941 Deco gown I must mention - in short, clothes to die for (or maybe in my case to diet for!)
Drop by if you have the chance - these pieces will not be around for long...